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Philosophy Statement

As a coach or anyone that works with athletes, our goal is to help the individuals and teams that we work with maximize their performance.  Most athletes and performers take the necessary steps in their physical training and nutrition but will still fall short.  This is because many athletes and performers struggle with anxiety, mental blocks, stress, pressure, confidence, and negativity.  We reach our performance potential by not only the physical and nutritional efforts, but by also training our minds.  It is my goal to help all athletes that I work with create an elite mindset and develop a system in order to go to when things go wrong.  I believe that anyone can benefit from mental performance coaching, in order to reach their potential as both a performer and as a human being. 


The term MENTAL TOUGHNESS is used a lot in athletics and ultimately, mental toughness is a trainable skill.  Just as any physical skill can be trained and improved, so can mental toughness.  There are certain drills that can help improve certain mental skills that ultimately develop better mental toughness.  Those skills are:

  • Concentration/Focus

  • Motivation and Commitment

  • Routines and Habits

  • Confidence

  • Goal Setting

  • Self-Talk

  • Self-Awareness

  • Mindfulness

  • Imagery/Visualization

  • Breathing/Relaxation

  • Emotional Regulation


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